with ME

My online community (aka the North of 40 Hub) and coaching experiences were created for moms to regain strength and resilience, no matter how long ago they had kids. It's never too late to rehabilitate, so if you're ready to step into your power, becoming a stronger, healthier, and more balanced you, you're in the right place. Dive in, start exploring, and uncover what you're really capable of. 

Reconnect to your body, boost your energy, and feel like yourself again.

Break free from the cycle of quick fixes and embrace lasting change

Improve your energy levels and overall wellbeing

Rehabilitate your body, no matter how long ago you had kids

You’re Right Where You're Supposed To Be if you want to...

Find renewed body confidence and vitality

Experience a transformation that goes beyond physical health

Receive personalized guidance focusing on your unique wellness and rehabilitation needs. Together, we'll review your health history and create a tailored wellness plan that includes a custom Pilates video & flower essence remedy to support your wellness journey. 

3 month 

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Unlock an exclusive digital portal filled with daily conversation and inspiration, weekly movement classes, monthly education opportunities, a digital video library, wellness news, resources, and more. 30 day free trial!

The North of 40 Hub

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— Joy

I feel so ecstatic and grateful for a body that feels good, and a loving facilitator/instructor.

— Maddie

I am feeling muscles I had long
forgotten about!

— leona

I'm having less back pain in my low back...
I can feel the difference and more awareness of my abs.

$47 per month
(First 30 days free!)

Monthly drawing to win a 1:1 coaching call with Natalie 

Monthly member giveaways featuring wellness products and tools

Monthly live calls — Pilates classes, guided meditations, and more


Gain access to a library of videos curated to help you feel your f*cking best, and join a supportive community of likeminded women. The Hub member portal features daily engagement activities, movement classes, educational events, wellness news, resources, and more. 30-day free trial! You can cancel your North of 40 Hub membership at any time. 

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The North of 40 Hub

$1,2000 for 3 months

A custom Pilates video & flower essence remedy, tailored and updated throughout your coaching program

Ongoing support via email or Whatsapp for the duration of your program

Access to the North of 40 Hub 


A 3-month 1:1 coaching experience that delivers a customized Pilates video & flower essence remedy addressing your unique rehabilitation goals after having kids. Consider this a personalized approach to a stronger, happier, and healthier you. Minimum three month commitment. 

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1:1 Coaching (3 mo)

Shoot me a message and let’s chat about your goals

have questions?

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